I have a SPA running in which a users logs on, do all kind of things (showing grids, lists, editing data etc.) against some webservices.
When the user logs off, another user can log on.
When the new user comes on a grid/list/etc. where no data is available on the server, or an error occurs, or even while the data is loading from the server (during the 'wait-cursor-screen') the old data of the previous user is shown! Not a good thing :)
So at first I was hoping to build a class in which all datasources can be registered and on logoff I can just set all the data in the datasources to [].
Nice idea but since one cannot overload the init function of the kendo.data.DataSource we need to find another way.
On each fetch() might be an idea but really unwanted because it means that all fetch functions must be overloaded and for each fetch we must check if the datasource is already registered etc.etc. Takes too much time, so again we need another way..
At this moment I'm a bit of ideas and am under the impression I must be missing something really obvious..
Any ideas? Anybody?
Best regards,