I have a problem with reloading data in my Kendo Treelist.
I have a div <div id="#treeview-div"></div>
when I bind data, I call LoadData function.
When I call the function for the 1° time, all works well.
When I call the function for the 2° time, hiearchical row doesn't work.
How can I clear my div and rebind without issue?
LoadData = function (dati)
dati.schema = {};
dati.schema.model = {};
dati.schema.model.id = "id";
dati.schema.model.expanded = false;
var dataSource = new kendo.data.TreeListDataSource(dati);
dataSource: dataSource,
height: 600,
columns: [
{ field: "DataOra" },
{ field: "Attivita" },
{ field: "Progetto" }