I downloaded "RadControlsWinforms_Manual_Q4_2006_SP2.chm" file from my download page.
I can open this chm help file on English Windows 2000 desktop without any problem.
But, when I open this file on Korean Windows XP SP2 notebook, I can't see any contents in this help file.
I can open another chm help files without any problem, so I think this is not the problem of my Korean Windows XP SP2 notebook.
"RadControlsWinforms_Manual_Q1_2007.chm" file shows the same problem.
I can open this chm help file on English Windows 2000 desktop without any problem.
But, when I open this file on Korean Windows XP SP2 notebook, I can't see any contents in this help file.
I can open another chm help files without any problem, so I think this is not the problem of my Korean Windows XP SP2 notebook.
"RadControlsWinforms_Manual_Q1_2007.chm" file shows the same problem.