Hi Kendo UI Team!
I'm trying to figure out how to determine whether or not a node that I find by text has any children nodes.
let's say I have a treeview where two of its' nodes are both named "AAA". However, one node has children nodes of its own whereas the other does not.
If I then try the following:
var treeview = $("#treeview").data("kendoTreeView");
var matches = treeview.findByText("AAA");
then my "matches" variable will contain a jQuery object that contains both nodes. From here, how can I identify which of those two nodes specified by the jquery object is the one with no children? My goal is to check the checkbox of the node with no children nodes of its own. Essentially, I would like the line below to work, but right now I am not sure how to look at the matches object to find the correct "NoChildNodesIndex" variable I would use below:
treeview.dataItem(matches[NoChildNodesIndex]).set("checked", true);