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checked all checkboxes of kendo dropdowntree by default

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yolo asked on 02 Mar 2021, 02:39 AM


i have a drop down tree created, as shown in the attachment below

i need to checked all the checkboxes by default. How to do this?

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answered on 02 Mar 2021, 02:59 AM

or how can i let the filter reflects on what are the type of events(holidays, interview,etc) that are present in the view?

for instance, in that week view, i only have events and holidays, and i wan the dropdowntree to automatically checked the events and holidays checkboxes.

Telerik team
answered on 04 Mar 2021, 09:57 AM

Hi Yolo,

You can pre-select the items in the DropDownTree by setting the "expanded" property in the datasource of the component. Here is a Dojo example demonstrating the targeted functionality. The datasource of the DropDownTree in the example is defined as follows. The configuration in yellow will initially check the items that have the "checked" property in their datasource. 

dataSource: [
        text: "Furniture", checked: true, expanded: true, items: [
            { text: "Tables & Chairs", checked: true },
            { text: "Sofas", checked: true },
            { text: "Occasional Furniture", checked: true }
        text: "Decor", checked: true, items: [
            { text: "Bed Linen", checked: true },
            { text: "Curtains & Blinds", checked: true },
            { text: "Carpets"}

Let me know if the suggested solution works in your scenario.

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commented on 31 May 2024, 01:26 PM

I am using kendo material css. And it breaks when I add groups in my dropdown tree.
Telerik team
commented on 05 Jun 2024, 07:29 AM

Hi Joe,

Everything looks good with the DropDownTree with a Material theme:

Am I missing something? Could you please modify the above Dojo to showcase the problem?



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commented on 05 Jun 2024, 09:42 AM | edited

I am not able to reproduce on that Dojo but I am using the above files if that helps.
Even created a post
Telerik team
commented on 10 Jun 2024, 06:45 AM

Hi Joe,

As far as I see in the other thread regarding the issue the provided reply was helpful.

Let us know if you have additional questons or need further assistance. 



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answered on 05 Mar 2021, 08:41 AM

Hi Petar, thanks for the reply. 

However, im implementing this dropdowntree for the types of event in my scheduler.


When i navigate to the next week, the scheduler will show all the events, but the dropdown tree doesn't adapt to the type of event that are being rendered in the scheduler. For instance, i only have checkbox "holidays" checked and all other type of events unchecked for the current week, when i navigate to the next week, the scheduler will show all the events but still remains the same whereby "holidays" are being checked.

also, how the checked the "check all" checkbox by default and have the value for each checkbox to be save in the 


Telerik team
answered on 10 Mar 2021, 07:09 AM

Hi Yolo,

I am afraid that based only on the provided information I can't say what is happening in your application. The way you use the DropDownTree seems to be a complex scenario and to be able to help you, I will need a runnable example in which the reported behavior can be replicated. When I test your scenario locally, I can provide more relevant feedback. 

Can you edit this Dojo example in a way the reported behavior can be replicated and send me the edited project back? 

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