I have a series of checkboxes on a page, and the checked attribute of each is bound to a different property of a kendo observable viewModel. I also have the click event bound to a javascript function. Part of that event calls a separate function which retrieves the value of the viewmodel property that the checkbox is bound to.
What happens in Chrome is after my page loads, if the user clicks one of the checkboxes, the property of the viewmodel doesn't seem to get updated. Upon subsequent clicks it does, only that first one seems to fail. It doesn't seem to do this in IE.
So what is the difference in how the viewModel gets automagically updated with the checked value in Chrome vs IE? I've been able to code around it, in my event code, I check if it's Chrome, and if it is I programmatically set the viewModel property to the opposite value (boolean) before continuing, and if it's IE I do not. But it seems kinda wonky to me.
What I think is happening is in Chrome it runs the event first before updating the value, whereas in IE it updates the value first, then runs the event. At least that's what it seems like.