I have a checkbox control in Grid and it is not returning consistent values sometimes it is returning On/Off instead of True/False.
This scenario is rare not coming frequently.
I would be looking , it should return True/False always.
What I am using in code
Private Sub rdgrdvSeachAddUpt_CellBeginEdit(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewCellCancelEventArgs) Handles rdgrdvSeachAddUpt.CellBeginEdit
Dim lobjMessage As New Message
''Check if it is a checkbox control in grid
Dim chEditor As RadCheckBoxEditor = TryCast(e.ActiveEditor, RadCheckBoxEditor)
If chEditor IsNot Nothing Then
If e.Column.Name = "radchkDelete" Then
'If yes check/uncheck checkbox item..it is for delete column
Dim isChecked As Boolean = Convert.ToBoolean(chEditor.Value)
"radchkDelete").Value = Not isChecked
End If
End If
Catch objEx As Exception
Logger.Log(objEx, lobjMessage)
lobjMessage =
End Try
End Sub