I added RadCartesianChart inside RadSlideView.
I have charts where on one slide there is NumericalAxis on another CategoricalAxis.
Is it possible to do an extension and treat this, or another way?
Custom axis: Numerical axisExt
2 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hi Rodrigo,
I am not sure how the data for populating the SlideView and the Charts is organized as there is a difference in the Chart data items type which defines the axis type (numerical, categorical), but basically you can do the following:
- Create a custom Chart which inherits from the RadCartesianChart and add an additional property which define the Chart axis type;
- According the that property, add the needed axis to the the Chart and set the Value/Category binding.
Please give this a try and let me know if you have any questions regarding the approach.
Progress Telerik
Is there an example in the documentation or do you have a sample you can provide me?
Another way, I tried to create it by code but it is not recognized
Hi Rodrigo,
We do not have such kind of an example as it's quite specific. Still, I created a quick example to demonstrate my idea - I created a custom RadCartesianChart with a bindable ChartType property and according to its value, change the Category binding.
Please keep in mind LineSeries are categorical series, so they require one numerical axis and one categorical axis - still with the approach I suggested you can switch the category binding.
Download the sample and give it a try. You can use it as a base and further extend it according to the concrete requirements you have.
Thanks for the sample!
For example, chart 1 it has the same base as chart 2 (X axis -> 10 last values)
On the Y axis, instead of putting the value, I would like to show the text (1 - "Risk", 2- "Fault", 3 - "Nothing")
I'll try to see what I can get with your example.
Maybe there is a way to change the Y axis label?
for (int position = 0; position < VisibleLabels.Count; position++)
double axisValue = double.Parse(VisibleLabels[position].LabelContent);
VisibleLabels[position].LabelContent = "Nada consta";
Hi Rodrigo,
In this case you can use a LabelFormatter for the Y axis, here is a quick example:
- Create a formatter class that inherits from the LabelFormatterBase<Type> and override its FormatTypedValue method - in it you can return a string value for all the axis labels:
public class MyAxisLabelFormatter : LabelFormatterBase<double>
public override string FormatTypedValue(double value)
string formattedValue = "";
switch (value)
case < 20:
formattedValue = "0"; break;
case 20:
formattedValue = "Low";break;
case <= 60:
formattedValue = "Middle";break;
case 80:
formattedValue = "High";break;
return formattedValue;
- Set the custom formatter class as a Formatter property of the axis:
<telerik:NumericalAxis Minimum="0"
<local:MyAxisLabelFormatter />
Give this a try and let me know how it goes.
Hi Yana!
It helps!
But how do I get the series ItemsSource? I need access to be able to set your values.
I created a new field for the description on the Y axis
private object categoryValue;
private double value;
private double numeric value;
//New field
private string descriptionY;
If it is ChartType.Categorical I replace the value with what is in the descriptionY
If it is ChartType.Numerical it keeps the numbers
public class MyAxisLabelFormatter : LabelFormatterBase<double>
public override string FormatTypedValue(double value)
var chart = this.Parent;
// Get the series ItemsSource.
var itemsSource = (chart as MyCartesianChart).Series[0].ItemsSource;
string formattedValue = "";
Hi Rodrigo,
You will not receive the ItemsSource automatically, still, you can easily pass it to the MyAxisLabelFormatter class as a constructor parameter.
First, change the formatter class like this:
public class MyAxisLabelFormatter : LabelFormatterBase<double>
public ChartData ChartData;
public MyAxisLabelFormatter(ChartData myChartData)
this.ChartData = myChartData;
public override string FormatTypedValue(double value)
var itemsSource = this.ChartData.Data;
string formattedValue = "";
switch (value)
case 20:
formattedValue = "Low";break;
case <= 60:
formattedValue = "Middle";break;
case 80:
formattedValue = "High";break;
return formattedValue;
Then, set the Axis LabelForrmatter in code behind inside the OnChartTypeChanged handler:
var numericAxis = chart.VerticalAxis as NumericalAxis;
numericAxis.LabelFormatter = new MyAxisLabelFormatter(currentChartItem);
Give this a try and let me know how it goes.
Thank you Yana!