I just found the chart theme doesn't work when using angularJs. It always shows up the default style no matter what css I chose.
But it works if I use the jQuery version. This issue only happens in the Chart component. All the others are working fine.
Would you check this for me pls?
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
You should use string literal to set the theme:
Iliana Nikolova
I am not quite sure if I understand correctly your scenario - the theme is part of Kendo UI Chart and should be set in its configuration (as demonstrated in my previous post). As another option, I would suggest setting the theme after the chart has been rendered (kendoRendered event). For your convenience here is a basic example.
Iliana Nikolova
HI Iliana,
Sorry that I wasn't very clear. I understood that you can set the theme per chart during the configuration, I was hoping there would be a way you could do it once throughout the entire angular application and it'd affect any chart that you might define.
I was specifically thinking of the AngularJS providers where you can configure them during the configuration phase of the angluarjs app loading.
So if there was a KendoChartProvider, you could use
(kendoChartProvider) {
kendoChartProvider.defaults = {
This way any Kendo chart that was defined would have the bootstrap theme applied from the get-go and you wouldn't have to rely upon us forgetful developers to do it everytime for the consistent look and feel and likewise we wouldn't have to rely upon $watch events to apply it after the fact.
Thanks for the response and the example though.
This question is not directly related to Kendo UI Chart and is outside the scope of our standard support services, I would suggest using an Angular service to achieve the expected result. Have a basic example.
Iliana Nikolova