Hello everyone,
I have a question on 'refreshing' chart when data source in updated.
Briefly: is there a fixed refresh rate for RadCartesianChart ?
In deep: in my xamarin forms app I added a RadCartesianChart with a LineSerie updated as follow
ItemsSource="{Binding Measures}"
Stroke="{StaticResource AccentColor}"
ValueBinding="Value" />
The "Measures" are data that I received in real time, therefore they are constantly updated
private IList<SensorMeasure> measures;
public IList<SensorMeasure> Measures
get => measures;
set => Set(ref measures, value);
I have two way to add data to "Measures": 1) 100 samples every second 2) one sample every 10 millisecond.
When I add data in the way number one everything seems ok and I see the chart updating itself every second with a 'block' of new data, but if I try the second approach (in order to have a "real" real-time visualization) the chart seems to refresh itself in the same way as first one... that's why I am asking:
are there limits in the refresh rate of RadCartesianChart ? Is there a property that I can set to 'speed up' the refreshing process?
I tested my app only on Android device since I am not able to test on iOs.
Thanks in advance