Im trying the telerick mvc chart control:
The problem is that when one of my bars, has 0 as value, i dont' see the value on the bar, it's then empty. How can i show the 0 on the bar? i tried :
But it does not work.
Im trying the telerick mvc chart control:
<% Chart<
<decimal?>> chart =
.Title(title => title
.Legend(legend => legend
.SeriesDefaults(series =>
.Series(series =>
series.Column(s => s.Value)
.Labels(labels => labels
.Template("<#= value #>")
.CategoryAxis(axis => axis
.Categories(s => s.Text)
.Labels(labels => labels.Margin(-6).Visible(true))
.MajorGridLines(majorGridLines => majorGridLines.Color("#ddd"))
.ValueAxis(axis => axis
.Numeric().Labels(labels => labels.Margin(0).Format("{0:#,##0}")).Min(0)
.Labels(labels => labels.Visible(false))
.MajorGridLines(majorGridLines => majorGridLines.Color("#ddd"))
.Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip
.Template("<#= category #>: <#= value #>")
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width: 225px; height: 78px;" });
The problem is that when one of my bars, has 0 as value, i dont' see the value on the bar, it's then empty. How can i show the 0 on the bar? i tried :
.ValueAxis(axis => axis
.Numeric().Labels(labels => labels.Margin(0).Format("{0:#,##0}")).Min(0)
.Labels(labels => labels.Visible(false))
.MajorGridLines(majorGridLines => majorGridLines.Color("#ddd"))