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Change Multiple radMulticolumncomboboxes

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MultiColumn ComboBox
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Jerry asked on 04 Oct 2013, 07:13 PM
I have a "C#" application that is using the Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.DataRepeater.  This control mimics the microsoft access continuous form.   Within the datarepeater I have 3 radMultiColumnComboBoxes.  The first radMultiColumnComboBoxes is populated on load.  The 2nd radMultiColumnComboBoxes data is based on radMultiColumnComboBoxes1 and the same goes for radMultiColumnComboBoxes3 to radMultiColumnComboBoxes2. 

private void dRepeater_ItemCloned(object sender, DataRepeaterItemEventArgs e)
  RadMultiColumnComboBox multiCBSup = (RadMultiColumnComboBox)e.DataRepeaterItem.Controls["cbSup"];                   
  dtSup = dtCategories.Select("id=1").CopyToDataTable().DefaultView.ToTable(true, "value", "text");
  multiCBSup.DataSource = dtSup;
  RadMultiColumnComboBox multiCBCat = (RadMultiColumnComboBox)e.DataRepeaterItem.Controls["cbCat"];
  dtCat = dtCategories.Select("id=2").CopyToDataTable().DefaultView.ToTable(true, "supcat", "cat", "value", "text");
  multiCBCat.DataSource = dtCat;
  multiCBCat.DisplayMember = "cat";
  multiCBCat.ValueMember = "cat"
This code should populate each row of controls with it's own data.  So when I change combobox1 in row 1 I don't want to change combobox1 on every row.
private void dRepeater_DrawItem(object sender, Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.DataRepeaterItemEventArgs e)
  DataRow dr = (DataRow)dtAct.Rows[e.DataRepeaterItem.ItemIndex];         
  RadMultiColumnComboBox multiCB = (RadMultiColumnComboBox)e.DataRepeaterItem.Controls.Find("cbSup", false)[0];

I'm not sure at what point I can get the value of the previous combobox. 

Thanks for any help

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MultiColumn ComboBox
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