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Change event is not fired when moving mouse pointer while clicking listitem in ListViewSelectionMode.Single

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Dirk asked on 05 Dec 2013, 05:58 PM

I use the ListView with the selectable option set to ListViewSelectionMode.Single via MVC Wrapper.
Clicking on an item and therefore changing selection doesn't fire the change event if I move the mouse (within list item borders) while clicking.

I think this behaviour can be reproduced by setting selectable option to ListViewSelectionMode.Single at this demo.
 Just click the text and move mouse pointer to hilight the text. The change event si not fired.

The event is always fired as soon as you set selection mode to ListViewSelectionMode.Multiple.

Is this a bug?
Is there a workaround (can't use multiple select)?

Thanks in advance

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Dimiter Madjarov
Telerik team
answered on 06 Dec 2013, 03:15 PM
Hi Dirk,

By default the ListView won't perform a selection, when the mouse is moved, while clicking the item. The idea behind this is to provide the same user experience on both desktop and mobile devices. Nevertheless there is a configuration option that could be set to override this.
var list = $("#listView").data("kendoListView");
list.selectable.userEvents.threshold = 20;

This option specifies the number of pixels allowed as a moving tolerance, while the selection click is performed. By default it is set to 0.

I hope this information helps. I wish you a great day!

Dimiter Madjarov
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