I use radpageView in my project that have many pages in it.and use the telerik Metrothem for that.now I want to change tab's background color from its default (Green) to another color.How Do this ?in which property?
thank you
RadPageView uses separate styles for its different modes. Here is how you can define the color of the selected page header in StripView mode:
1. Open the desired theme in Visual Style Builder (Loading predefined themes) and select the RadPageViewStripItem elements in the control's structure - RadPageView - RadPageViewStripElement - StripViewItemContainer - StripViewItemLayout - RadPageViewStripItem.
2. Since the element uses ImageShape, you have to change the image used for the following states:
- RadPageViewStripItem.Selected;
- RadPageViewStripItem.Selected.MouseOver;
- RadPageViewStripItem.Selected.MouseDown.
For example to make it red please follow these steps:
- Create an image 1 px by 1 px with paint and color this pixel in red
- Select the Selected state of the RAdPageVireStripItem
- Click the Show Only Applied Repositories check box
- Double click the PageViewItemSelectedImageShape repository
- Set the red pixel image to the Image property
- Set the PaintMode to Tile