I want delete the span wrapper in input box autocomplete...
how ?
9 Answers, 1 is accepted
Your basic themes look real nice but we don't use and fancy styling on our website at all and I'd like to implement the Autocompletebox
with as less styling is possible.
Is there a way to get rid off the span wrapper and/or apply any theme which holds only CSS information for postionion and stuff without coloring and round borders.
Or is the only way to achieve this to edit the Kendo script and CSS files?
.removeClass('k-input') .parent() .removeClass();
DropDown still remains style though
In addition to what Lukas has suggested, the widget's wrapper <span> (i.e. the parent element of the textbox) should have the following styles applied:
display:inline-block; border:0; background:none; box-shadow:none;
These will ensure that the widget does not apply its hover / focused styles.
Generally, there are two ways to modify the Kendo UI widgets' styling:
+ use the Kendo UI ThemeBuilder for color modifications
+ override rules from the theme CSS or the common CSS
+ directly modify the theme CSS or the common CSS file
Very specific scenarios such as the currently discussed one are not supported out-of-the-box, as they are quite rare.
Any style customizations require some level of CSS knowledge (especially about CSS specificity), as well as familiarity with Firebug or a similar browser developer tool.
Fancy styling can be a subjective and vague definition, so I am not sure what aspects of the styling you are referring to. For example, there are themes with brighter colors and themes will fewer and less bright colors. There are also themes with rounded corners and ones without rounded corners. My recommendation is to pick the theme, which is as close to your preferences as possible, and further modify it with the ThemeBuilder and/or manually. The ThemeBuilder can be used to modify the theme's color scheme. For sizing-related changes, you will need to make manual changes to the CSS code.
Please use the ThemeBuilder to create a custom theme with only black and white colors. Kendo UI themes do not define specific fonts, except for PDF export.