On a column chart, categoryAxis Labels rotated at 300, with relatively long label text, the labels do not match up with the columns in the chart (want the tail of the label text to line up with the column chart). We're not talking enormous labels, perhaps something like: "2011 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" I even tried using padding right, but that set padding on the top as well as right (is this a bug? even tried padding top to zero and had no effect). Any suggestions?
Ideally, I wouldn't have to use padding at all and there would be a way to have the tail of the label align with the column chart item.
Ideally, I wouldn't have to use padding at all and there would be a way to have the tail of the label align with the column chart item.
categoryAxis: [{
labels: {
padding: {
right: 100,
top: 0
rotation: 300
categories: [
"2011 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
series: [{
data: [1, 2, 3]