I tried to follow Cascading ComboBoxes, but I cannot make it work. The code is as follows...
Something seems to be missing. After loading the first combobox contains all data, the second combobox is disabled. When selecting a value from the first combobox, the second combobox shows a spinning icon, looping forever.
Michael G. Schneider
<input id=
<input id=
dataSource: {
data: [
{ parentID: 1, name:
{ parentID: 2, name:
{ parentID: 3, name:
dataSource: {
data: [
{ parentID: 1, id: 11, name:
{ parentID: 1, id: 12, name:
{ parentID: 1, id: 13, name:
{ parentID: 2, id: 21, name:
{ parentID: 2, id: 22, name:
{ parentID: 2, id: 23, name:
{ parentID: 3, id: 31, name:
{ parentID: 3, id: 32, name:
Michael G. Schneider