Hi, I'm using customized popup editor to edit a record, its data source is a remote one accessed via WEBAPI.The UI is as the attachment.
The textbox (name) and Default checkbox is bound, but the checkboxes list is not bound and it is coming from another remote datasource, and it is initialized with the first data source a comma seperated string such as 1,3,5,7.
When I input something in the textbox or click Default checkbox, and when I click Update button then update event is triggered. But if I didn't change the text or Default option, only select/unselect items in the checkboxes list, the update is NOT triggered. I think this might because the checkboxes list is not bound thus making change of it having no effect on the grid data source and model, so I change the field like e.model.filename = newValue in the checkboxes change event, but Update event is still not triggered.
I look into API documents, it says if model's set method is used, the model change event will be triggered. But my following code does not work at all:
var model = $('#grid').data().kendoGrid.editable.options.model;
model.set("keyIds", checkedItems.join()); //here checkedItems is the array of keys of checkboxes items.
I want know, how can I trigger update with only checkboxes changes?
Or, can you provide a solution for binding a checkboxes list to a collection? Treeview behaves like what I want, but it's UI is not.
P.S. Every time I posted a question here, I've got to wait 2 or more days for an answer. As you know, constantly one answer is not enough to solve a problem, but after I response to your answer, I've to wait days again for another answer, even my response is only 15 to 30 minutes after your post. It is not rare to solve a problem with over 5 ping-pong, then it will need 10-15 days or more to get the problem done. How can I make it more efficient?
Looking forward your reply. Thanks!