as I can see from this link: https://github.com/telerik/kendo-ui-core/blob/master/docs/AngularJS/introduction.md you could set k-row-template in three different ways:
1. Inline
2. Script
3. Directive
I found some strange behavior in the directive scenario. If I I do something like that:
<div kendo-grid ... other grid settings >
<div k-row-template>
<tr data-uid="#: uid #"><td colspan="3"> ... my custom html template ... </td></tr>
It does not compile the table row with the uid and I got errors with IE8 / 9 / 10, in IE11 works, in Chrome works but it puts everything in the first column.
Can you suggest the proper way to accomplish that scenario? To make it work now I'm forced to use a kendo template and get the HTML back using jquery, but it will be much more cleaner to do everything in a declarative way within the HTML. I could not find any example on the web.