I cannot aggregated remote data into a pie chart. It works just fine for local data if I use the following html.
<div id="ReportPOC">
<div class="demo-section k-content wide">
<div id="chart"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function createChart() {
var data = [
"Name": "Inbound GoodMail",
"MessageCount": 1394,
"Date": "2015-10-05"
"Name": "Outbound GoodMail",
"MessageCount": 724,
"Date": "2015-10-05"
"Name": "Outbound GoodMail",
"MessageCount": 504,
"Date": "2015-10-06"
"Name": "Inbound GoodMail",
"MessageCount": 256,
"Date": "2015-10-06"
var dataSourcePie = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: {
url: '@Url.Action("ReportData", "Home")',
dataType: "json"
group: {
field: "Name",
aggregates: [
{ field: "MessageCount", aggregate: "sum" }
dataSourcePie.fetch().then(function () {
var pieD = [];
var view = dataSourcePie.view();
for (var idx = 0; idx < view.length; idx++) {
Name: view[idx].value,
MessageCount: view[idx].aggregates.MessageCount.sum
dataSource: pieD,
seriesDefaults: {
labels: {
visible: true,
background: "transparent",
template: "#= category #: \n #= value#"
series: [{
type: "pie",
field: "MessageCount",
aggregate: "sum",
categoryField: "Name"
The pie chart show 2 sections where Inbound GoodMail is 1650 and Outbound GoodMail is 1228. If I change my dataSource to make a remote call to an Action in my Controller, the data doesn't aggregate.
var dataSourcePie = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: {
url: '@Url.Action("ReportData", "Home")',
dataType: "json"
group: {
field: "Name",
aggregates: [
{ field: "MessageCount", aggregate: "sum" }
The json returned is the same, but now I get a pie chart where Inbound GoodMail is 256 and Outbound GoodMail is 504. The view object returned from dataSourcePiew.view() does not have the correct aggregates. What am I doing wrong?