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Cannot add some Kendo components to DropDownList body

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Greg asked on 03 Mar 2017, 06:43 PM

Hello, I'm trying to add an kendo AutoComplete into a kendo DropDownList (and a lot more, but for simplification I'll only talk about AutoComplete since everything else I want to do works). I've tried straight up injecting the HTML and I've tried putting it in a headerTemplate. Some kendo components work this way, like adding another DropDownList. While others like AutoComplete do not. Some (MulitSelect) behave very slowly, but still work. I made a small example of this in a dojo .

Could you help me out with a solution to get AutoComplete to work in a DropDownList? Or point me to some way to use a kendo DropDown that allows the developer to put whatever they want in it without having to use a DropDownList, pass it no data, and use headerTemplate or JQuery to inject custom HTML.


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answered on 07 Mar 2017, 09:20 AM
Hello Greg,

I am afraid that at the time being such usage in the HeaderTemplate of the DropDown is not supported. The reason is that the dropdown keeps it focus and prevents typing in inputs, unless a filtering is enabled.

I can suggest you to log this as feature request in our public UserVoice portal below:

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