Hello, I'm trying to add an kendo AutoComplete into a kendo DropDownList (and a lot more, but for simplification I'll only talk about AutoComplete since everything else I want to do works). I've tried straight up injecting the HTML and I've tried putting it in a headerTemplate. Some kendo components work this way, like adding another DropDownList. While others like AutoComplete do not. Some (MulitSelect) behave very slowly, but still work. I made a small example of this in a dojo http://dojo.telerik.com/ovEJe/4 .
Could you help me out with a solution to get AutoComplete to work in a DropDownList? Or point me to some way to use a kendo DropDown that allows the developer to put whatever they want in it without having to use a DropDownList, pass it no data, and use headerTemplate or JQuery to inject custom HTML.