Can the comment widget from the Spreadsheet Toolbar be added to Context menu

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Spreadsheet Toolbar
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Daniel asked on 12 May 2022, 04:45 PM

I have three related questions:

Can spreadsheet cell comments from the tool bar be added to the context menu. 

If not, can a custom function be added to the context menu.

When you update a cell comment using the comment control from the menu bar, is there an event either at the cell level or comment dialog level that can be captured. From what I can see so far, not of the widgets on the menu bar have events that can be captured. Is that correct?

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Telerik team
answered on 17 May 2022, 01:49 PM

Hello Daniel,

I am afraid that the Spreadsheet Context Menu does not support an option for enabling the comments. To achieve such functionality you will need a custom implementation. You could take a look at the link from our forum below where adding a custom command to the Spreadsheet context menu is discussed:

Regarding exposing an event for comments in the Spreadsheet there is a related feature request in our official Feedback Portal. Below you will find a link to the item. I would encourage you to cast a vote for the request.


I hope this helps. 

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commented on 18 May 2022, 01:48 PM

I don't know if this is considered best practices but what I wanted from the context menu is to remove all options then have the context menu load my own custom dialog to manage comments. I was able to do this by removing all the list items from the  ul using jquery, then binding an event to the Context Menu "active" event to load the dialog. It actually worked well. So the ContextMenu has no buttons and loads my dialog on activation

 var list = $('.k-spreadsheet-cell-context-menu li:first-child').remove();
            var list = $('.k-spreadsheet-cell-context-menu li:first-child').remove();
            var list = $('.k-spreadsheet-cell-context-menu li:first-child').remove();
            var list = $('.k-spreadsheet-cell-context-menu li:first-child').remove();
            var list = $('.k-spreadsheet-cell-context-menu li:first-child').remove();


 contextMenu.bind("activate", function (e) {

Telerik team
commented on 23 May 2022, 11:55 AM

Hi Daniel,

I am glad to hear you have managed to find a solution to the issue yourself. Thank you very much for sharing it here with the community. I am sure it will be helpful to the other users in the forum.



Spreadsheet Toolbar
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