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can't change highlight text color

1 Answer 216 Views
Themes and Visual Style Builder
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Hesham Desouky
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Rank 2
Hesham Desouky asked on 17 Jan 2013, 10:38 AM
I am facing a problem with theme to change text color to white in grid highlight and menu highlight.
Also the split button color can't make homogeneous

Attached is screenshots of the controls that I failed to change its color to white.

I can send the theme file, but failed to attach to the post (incorrect file extension)

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Telerik team
answered on 22 Jan 2013, 11:53 AM
Hello Hesham,

Thank you for writing.

As to the questions at hand:

1) You can change the ForeColor property of GridDataRowElement by using VisualStyleBuilder:

Here is a detailed list of the steps you need to follow in order to change the desired color:
  • Open Visual Style Builder and load the ControlDefault theme (Loading predefined themes).
  • In the Controls Structure pane navigate to RadGridView>> RadGridViewElement >> GridTableElement>> GridDataRowElement and select the RowFill item from the Elemets Pane.
  • Click the Create New Repository Item button 
  • Select Text and press Create
  • Name the repository appropriately - for example WhiteTextColor
  • Set the ForeColor to White and click OK
  • The new repository will appear on the very bottom of the Repository pane
  • Select the desired row state from the Element States - the default one is pre-selected and check the repository check box. 
  • Save the theme and load it in your application (Saving and Loading Theme Files, Loading Themes from an External File, Loading Themes from a Resource, Applying Theme to a Control).
Please note that the changes might not get displayed by the VisualStyleBuilder

More information about creation a custom theme starting from an existing one can be found here:

2) & 3) You can change the ForeColor property of RadMenuItem element so:
  • In the Controls Structure pane navigate to RadMenu - DropDown >> RadMenuItem and select the RadMenuItemTextPrimitive item, located in the Elements Pane.
  • Find the WhiteTextColor repository and check it
4) Assuming that this is RadSpilitButton, here is how to change the border color
  • In the Controls Structure pane navigate to RadSplitButton>> RadSplittButtonElement and select the DropDownButtonSeparatorPart item.
  • Further, select the DropDownButton element state and change the ForeColor property of the SplitButtonSeparatorNormalBorder with the desired one
  • Modify the associated border repository as you see it fit

As to the attachments, only gif, .jpg, .jpeg, and .png files are allowed to attach in forum threads.. If you want to send different type of file, you can do it in a support ticket.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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Themes and Visual Style Builder
Asked by
Hesham Desouky
Top achievements
Rank 2
Answers by
Telerik team
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