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Can't filter by condition after filtering by value.

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Christopher asked on 12 Jun 2017, 02:15 AM

See the live Telerik Demo:

Steps to reproduce:
1. Click the filter dropdown on the "Client" column header.
2. Expand the "Filter by value."
3. Check the top 5 client names.
4. Click the "Apply" button.
5. The grid refreshes with the filter applied.
6. Click the filter dropdown on the "Client" column header (again).
7. Click into the filter by condition.
8. Select "Text contains".
9. Type "hill".
10. Click the Apply button.


Notice nothing happens when it should apply the filter and show the item "Agnes Hill".

This is broken behavior and doesn't match what Google Sheets or Excel does. Nor does it act in a way that is user friendly. Both Excel and Google sheets allow you to select *both* a filter by value *and* a filter by condition. In the current Spreadsheet implementation, it seems broken and you can't do this unless you apply the filters in the reverse order (first by condition, then by value) - in which case the filter for "condition" in the dropdown loses the filter value (another bug).

Expected behavior:
After step 10, the filter should be applied.

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Veselin Tsvetanov
Telerik team
answered on 13 Jun 2017, 12:28 PM
Hello Christopher,

We can confirm that the observed is a bug in the Spreadsheet column filtering functionality. Here you will find the GitHub item, where you could track the bug status.

Keep in mind, that at this stage, I won't be able to offer you a viable workaround for the reported issue.

Also, as a small token of gratitude for reporting to us this bug, I have updated your Telerik points.

Concerning the reverse scenario (first filter by condition, then by value), the condition section is cleared because the value filtering in this case simply narrows down the searched items. For example, on the Demo sample, if the filtering condition would display all clients with Name containing "am", the Spreadsheet will display five lines for Samuel Green and for James Smith. Then, if the filter by value is set to only Samuel Green, this filter will always display only two lines, no matter if the Contains condition filter is set or not.

This is also the way how the same functionality works in Excel. After applying the Value filter, the Contains filter is cleared. Please, let me know if I miss something in this specific scenario.

Veselin Tsvetanov
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answered on 13 Jun 2017, 03:59 PM

Thanks good to hear.

Regarding the "reverse" issue. I agree, but I do want to note that Google Sheets does allow both filters to be applied. I have a feeling Excel retains this behavior simply for "backwards expectations" (because users of Excel for 10+ years expect it). Google Sheets had the opportunity to improve without this worry and hence the capability to filter on both.

Objectively, I think it's more user-friendly to have both filters applicable like Google Sheets, but that's just my opinion. I think in the future it might be great if there was a way to either toggle this behavior or override the filter dropdown with a template you could specify.

Thanks again.

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answered on 14 Jun 2017, 10:47 PM

For anyone who's curios, you can customize the filter dropdowns by getting the filter menu by it's class as such:

var fm = $('.k-spreadsheet-filter-menu').getKendoFilterMenu();
//do stuff


Docs here:

Veselin Tsvetanov
Telerik team
answered on 15 Jun 2017, 08:24 AM
Hello Christopher,

Thank you for pointing out how to get reference to the Spreadsheet filter menu.

Concerning the filter by condition and then by value scenario, I would suggest you to log your Enhancement idea in the Kendo feedback portal. Based on the support it receives from the community, we will decide on whether to proceed with its implementation or not.

Veselin Tsvetanov
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answered on 19 Jun 2017, 04:14 PM

FYI all, getting and customizing the filter menu is pretty tedious because it's dynamically created. You can vote to help enhance the spreadsheet filtermenu functionality here so it's easier to work with:

Veselin Tsvetanov
Telerik team
answered on 20 Jun 2017, 12:56 PM
Hello Christopher,

Thank you for logging your idea in our Feedback portal.

Veselin Tsvetanov
Progress Telerik
Try our brand new, jQuery-free Angular 2 components built from ground-up which deliver the business app essential building blocks - a grid component, data visualization (charts) and form elements.
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Veselin Tsvetanov
Telerik team
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