Can I (or does it make sense) call a private method from a unit test?
The setup code is getting really big to test a little piece of code within a private method. Instead it seems like it might be a good idea to just mock the parameters and then call the private method as follows (incomplete since I don't know if this works). I want to call a piece of the private implementation with defined parameters and then test for results. This would be a replacement for having to walk through the code in the debugger over and over again.
// This is the method I would like to call somehow if possible.
// Ignore db changes.
The setup code is getting really big to test a little piece of code within a private method. Instead it seems like it might be a good idea to just mock the parameters and then call the private method as follows (incomplete since I don't know if this works). I want to call a piece of the private implementation with defined parameters and then test for results. This would be a replacement for having to walk through the code in the debugger over and over again.
// Arrange mock data.
var service =
var start =
DateTime(2014, 08, 15);
var due = start.Next(DayOfWeek.Thursday);
var assignee =
SimpleEmployeeView {Id = 1, LastNameFirstName =
"Test User"
, IsActive =
var taskModel =
DaysBeforeDue = 5,
Start = start,
End = due,
Title =
"Test Subject"
Description =
"Test Description"
Id = 999
// This is the method I would like to call somehow if possible.
, taskModel, assignee);
// Ignore db changes.
var database = Mock.Create<Database>();
Mock.Arrange(database, d => d.SaveChanges()).DoNothing();
// TODO test for changes in the result.