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Calendar crashes on selecting date and changing of page

9 Answers 177 Views
Calendar & Scheduling
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Joe asked on 25 Aug 2015, 09:43 PM

I've created the follow example to show the problem.  When I select a date in the calendar and try to have it go to a new page it crashes.  I believe what is happening is the calendar is trying to updated the selected date on the current view however that view is no longer available because the page has been updated.  If I'm doing something wrong can someone point me in the right direction.  I believe this is a bug.


Telerik for Xamarin UI Calendar control.


public App()
RadCalendar radCalendar = new RadCalendar();
var PageTwo = new ContentPage
Content = new StackLayout
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
Children = {
new Label {
XAlign = TextAlignment.Center,
Text = "Page Two Welcomes You!!!"
radCalendar.WidthRequest = 200;
radCalendar.HeightRequest = 500;
radCalendar.SelectionChanged +=
(object sender, ValueChangedEventArgs<object> e) =>
var selectedDate = e.NewValue as DateTime?;
MainPage = PageTwo;
// The root page of your application
MainPage = new ContentPage { Content = radCalendar };




9 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Telerik team
answered on 28 Aug 2015, 11:04 AM
Hi Joe,

Thank you for sharing this code snippet! We can confirm that the described behavior is bug from our side. 
I have logged it in our system and we will resolve it in our next official version.
Please excuse us for the inconvenience caused.

I have updated your telerik point accordingly

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answered on 28 Aug 2015, 03:13 PM

Do you have an idea when the next release will be?  Are we talking 30 days or 90 days?




Telerik team
answered on 31 Aug 2015, 07:51 AM
Hello Joe,

You next official release is scheduled for the second half of September.

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answered on 24 Sep 2015, 09:03 PM

Is the release about ready and will the fix be in it?


Telerik team
answered on 29 Sep 2015, 08:33 AM
Hello Joe,

I can confirm that the issue has already been resolved and will be included in the upcoming release. The release is expected in the following couple days.

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answered on 05 Oct 2015, 08:30 PM

The build doesn't work for Android at all when it comes to the Calendar.  You can't add event handlers or load appointment via a source.  I found the problem in that the build contains the wrong version off DLLs for Android.




Telerik team
answered on 08 Oct 2015, 09:11 AM
Hi Joe,

Since Q3 we have introduced and additional step to setup the components - adding TelerikForms.Init() after Forms.Init(). More information can be found here -

Also, currently, you need to reference AppCompat libraries version rather than recently released v. -

You can check our SDK samples for the setup of the two point mentioned. It is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Telerik\UI for Xamarin Q3 2015\Examples\XamarinForms of you installation.

In addition, we will issue build targeting this version as well as aligning the incorrect binaries version next week.

Please excuse us for the inconvenience caused!

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answered on 15 Oct 2015, 09:11 PM

This isn't fixed.  I went back and redid my sample little android app and it crashes just like before.  This is becoming very frustrating.  I've spent the entire day on this ensuring I have the right AppCompat and everything.



10-15 16:00:57.828 I/MonoDroid(24194): UNHANDLED EXCEPTION:
10-15 16:00:57.838 I/MonoDroid(24194): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
10-15 16:00:57.838 I/MonoDroid(24194): at Telerik.XamarinForms.InputRenderer.Android.CalendarRenderer.CustomizationRule (Com.Telerik.Widget.Calendar.CalendarCell) <IL 0x0000c, 0x001e4>
10-15 16:00:57.838 I/MonoDroid(24194): at Telerik.XamarinForms.Common.Android.Procedure`1<Com.Telerik.Widget.Calendar.CalendarCell>.Apply (Java.Lang.Object) <0x0009b>
10-15 16:00:57.838 I/MonoDroid(24194): at Com.Telerik.Android.Common.IProcedureInvoker.n_Apply_Ljava_lang_Object_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) <IL 0x00014, 0x00103>
10-15 16:00:57.838 I/MonoDroid(24194): at (wrapper dynamic-method) object.7fc7b9d6-3a63-4c23-9331-a2e896b6fdf8 (intptr,intptr,intptr) <IL 0x00017, 0x00043>
10-15 16:00:57.838 W/art (24194): JNI RegisterNativeMethods: attempt to register 0 native methods for md52ce486a14f4bcd95899665e9d932190b.JavaProxyThrowable



Telerik team
answered on 19 Oct 2015, 11:08 AM
Hi Joe,

Please, accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused by this. I have verified that the problem is resolved in our latest build - 2015.3.1016, released on Friday.

As for the Xamarin.Android.Support libraries versions, we are working on support for version 23. We expect to be able to release a new build with support for v.23 by the end of the week.

Best regards,
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Calendar & Scheduling
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