I am using a KendoUI grid to display data on screen. Each row has a set of buttons that trigger various actions. One button triggers a modal popup asking the user to select a child item (generated via an ajax call) of the row before continuing on with the action. The first time the button is triggered, the select is correctly filled, however, on subsequent calls the select box is left blank as if the element doesn't exist. Any idea what I am doing wrong here:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#formGrid').delegate('.exportButton', 'click', function () {
var button = $(this);
var formId = button.attr("data-form-id");
var formImplementationId = button.attr("data-form-implementation-id");
var formVersion = Number(button.attr("data-form-version"));
url: AppSettings["BaseUrl"] + "/xxxx/GetVersions?formId=" + formId + "&formImplementationId=" + formImplementationId,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
$.each(data, function (index) {
var item = data[index];
$("#exportVersion").append("<option value=\"" + item.Version + "\">Version: " + item.Version + " (" + item.EffectiveDate + ")</option>")
var kendoWindow = $("<div />").kendoWindow({
title: "Export Form",
resizable: false,
modal: true
.click(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass("export-confirm-yes")) {
window.location = AppSettings["BaseUrl"] + "/xxxx/ExportForm?formId=" + formId + "&formImplementationId=" + formImplementationId + "&formVersion=" + $('#exportVersion').val()
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
url: '@Url.EncodedAction("GetForms", "xxxx")',
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json"
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
FormName: { type: "string" },
ContractName: { type: "string" },
EffectiveDate: { type: "date" },
UserName: { type: "string" },
IsDraft: { type: "string" },
FormId: { type: "string" },
FormImplementationId: { type: "string" },
FormVersion: { type: "number" }
pageSize: 15,
sort: [{ field: "FormName", dir: "asc" }]
sortable: true,
pageable: true,
columns: [
{field: "FormName", title: "Form"},
{field: "Version", title: "Version", width: 100},
{field: "ContractName", title: "Contract", width: 150},
{field: "EffectiveDate", title: "Last Modified", format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"},
{title: "User", field: "UserName"},
{field: "Status", title: "Status", width: 120},
template: function (dataItem) {
buttons = '<div class="buttonDiv">';
buttons += '<button class="exportButton" title="Export Form" data-form-id="' + dataItem.FormId + '" data-form-implementation-id="' + dataItem.FormImplementationId + '" data-form-version="' + dataItem.Version + '"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-open"></span></button>'
buttons += '</div>';
return buttons;
<script id="select-export-version" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<div id="export-file-modal" class="maintenance-modal">
<label for="exportVersion">Select the version of the form to export:</label><br />
<select id="exportVersion"></select>
<div id="export-buttons" class="text-center same-width">
<button class="export-confirm export-confirm-yes k-button k-default">Export</button>
<button class="export-confirm export-confirm-no k-button k-primary">Cancel</button>