Upgraded to Version 2012.2.726.40 today and have been struggling to get my project working again.
One thing I noticed right away is that my command buttonelements in my grid no longer display their images.
here's how I am adding them in code:
private void radGridViewJobs_CellFormatting(object sender, CellFormattingEventArgs e)
foreach (RadElement ele in e.CellElement.Children)
if (ele is RadProgressBarElement)
if (e.CellElement is GridCommandCellElement && !(e.CellElement.RowElement is GridTableHeaderRowElement))
GridViewCommandColumn column = (GridViewCommandColumn)e.CellElement.ColumnInfo;
String colname = column.FieldName.ToLower();
if (colname == "stationview")
RadButtonElement element = (RadButtonElement)e.CellElement.Children[0];
element.Image = global::PayerConnectClient.Properties.Resources.workstation;
element.DisplayStyle = DisplayStyle.Image;
element.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
String myStation = e.CellElement.RowInfo.Cells["workstation"].Value.ToString().Trim();
if (myStation.Length > 0)
element.ToolTipText = @"View/Modify " + myStation + " Profile and Current Configuration";
element.Enabled = true;
element.DisplayStyle = DisplayStyle.Image;
element.ShowBorder = true;
element.Enabled = false;
element.DisplayStyle = DisplayStyle.None;
element.ShowBorder = false;
if (element.ElementState == ElementState.Constructed)
element.Click += new EventHandler(Workstation_Click);
catch (Exception ex)
RadMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, RadMessageIcon.Error);
Other than the Telerik update - nothing else has changed.
Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. This is extremely urgent as I will be demoing this product early next week.
Note: I am using 4 different themes: Office2010Blue, Black and Silver and Windows7. All themes show same behavior.