Along with the "custom" task for making a custom JS build, the gulpfile in your Bower distribution also has a "less" task for compiling the CSS. A couple of questions:
- On my OSX machine with node 6.9.4 installed, "gulp less" fails with "TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined", apparently in clean-css/input-source-map-tracker. On an Ubuntu 16.04 box with the node 4.2.6 that comes with that, it works fine. I assume there is some breakage that happened somewhere between those two node versions?
- "gulp custom" looks like it compiles the ".less" for all themes to dist/styles, but it doesn't bring over things like fonts/ or Default/ that would be needed by a theme? There's no intent for dist/styles to be self-contained without adding in more bits from the source distribution?
- the "less" task has a "styles" command line option which presumably lets you compile specific .less subsets? I was able to do "gulp less --styles **/kendo.*default.less", which gave me those matching files, but when I tried two patterns (separated with a comma) with "gulp less --styles **/kendo.*default.less,web/kendo.common.less", it ran but produced no output files at all. Is there a way to do multiples like this as the "custom" task does?
Since the styles are provided precompiled in the top-level "styles" directory, and since there is presumably nothing that would change for any particular style by recompiling it, the "less' task isn't of great use for me. I'd hoped there would be some way to tell it to assemble all the required stuff for a particular theme in "dist/styles".