I have a grid with editable rows. After editing the row I have a context menu command that processes the data on the row and then I need that row to be removed.
So far everything works well until the moment that I need to remove the row.
I have tried many different ways but the one that is closest to working is this:
// After processing successfully, set grid row to non Edit
// Grab the active row
var activeRow = $(gridInstance.element).find("tr.k-grid-edit-row");
//Remove the active row
Even though this works ok on the UI (so the row does get removed successfully),
I also get this javascript error: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined on the kendo.all.min.js
So there is an internal kendo bug there that you guys need to fix because I can't remove a row without getting this javascript error.
This error is a problem cause it causes other things to break.
Is there a way to remove a row programmatically from a grid without causing kendo bugs ?