When a column is set to sticky in a grid and the user clicks edit and then cancel, that column become unsticky for that row only. I noticed this also happens if the user clicks edit, makes any change, and then clicks save. This happened when I upgraded from 2022 to 2024 so the bug was created somewhere in there. To reproduce, see this dojo:
- Shrink the right side of the screen until it is pretty small (about 700px)
- Click Run and make sure there is a horizontal scroll. If not, shrink the right and click run again.
- Scroll and notice that the first column sticks
- Click edit on the first row
- Click cancel
- Scroll and notice that the first row no longer has a sticky column.
Note: I reported the bug here: https://feedback.telerik.com/kendo-jquery-ui/1658638-sticky-column-unsticks-after-clicking-cancel-in-grid