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Bubble cart - series notes labels get cut off when outside plotArea

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Steve asked on 11 Apr 2017, 08:50 AM

Hi Support,


we are using bubble charts in various places and make use of the series notes to show information (rather than using the series label which would restrict us in what information is shown I believe).

When series points in the plot area are near its limit, the labels get cut off or are even completely gone, if the bubble is drawn right at the edge of the plotArea border.

As we don't know in advance where each bubble will site in the plot I also can't say "always position note beneath bubble".

Is there a way to make the kendoChart understand that the notes are part of the overall renderable area so the plot are automatically expands automatically to ensure the note labels are not cut off ? Attached an example for some cut off labels on the left of the chart but it can happen anywhere obviously.

Is there potentially also something like a "Smart Label" feature for kendoCharts where I can pass any note/label to a bubble and kendo computes the best position so it does not overlap with other labels from other bubbles and also does not render outside the plot area ? I think I ready something about smart labels in some other component from Telerik.



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Telerik team
answered on 13 Apr 2017, 06:06 AM
Hello Steve,

Which version are you using? Generally, the notes will be cut off because of the clipping and you can avoid this by disabling the pane clip option, but in the latest versions the notes should automatically be unclipped.

A a "Smart Label" feature is not currently available for the chart.

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answered on 13 Apr 2017, 12:40 PM

Hi Daniel,

we are currently using v2016.3.914.

I've tested the latest as well (v2017.1.223) but it seems one has to manually do:

panes: [
 { name: "top-pane", clip: false}

to disable clipping.

While that resolves a part of the problem, that "SmartLabel" feature that automatically moves labels so they don't overlap is something we could really use, are there any plans to work on this in the upcoming releases ?




Telerik team
answered on 17 Apr 2017, 10:51 AM
Hello Steve,

Thank you for the suggestion.

We have similar suggestions in our feedback portal. I can suggest voting for them or submit a new one which better represents the requirement:

Please have in mind that depending on the request popularity we may implement it in a future release, but the ETA may vary depending on the current workflow and the popularity.

Telerik by Progress
Try our brand new, jQuery-free Angular 2 components built from ground-up which deliver the business app essential building blocks - a grid component, data (charts) and form elements.
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