I'm building a scheduling app which would use the Scheduler component and would like to allow my users to stretch and drag and drop events on the weekly schedule.
However, they are working in 1-2 hour events through out the day, but possibly through multiple days.
On this demo:
It is seen that event resize works EITHER horizontal OR vertical depending on is it an all day event or not.
What I would like to do is:
- When the user clicks on an empty slot, open a popup to let him add an event slot
- When he drags it verticalit will be the length of the event in the day 1-2-4-8 hours, when he drags it horizontal it will be the number of days it spans
From the demos and examples I cannot find that you can make both options on the same slot...so resize in both directions.
Is it possible?
Added question...also a click on the empty space in the scheduler to add a slot?
Thank you!