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Blank page

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PdfViewer and PdfViewerNavigator
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Mateusz asked on 12 Sep 2014, 10:30 AM

To all having a problem with a blank page when you try to load a document to PdfViewer.
After doing a little investigation it appears that the problem may be in the machine that scan documents.
In the company I have two identical machines LaserJet M5035 MFP where users can send a e-mail with scanned document in PDF format.
It turned out that only files sent from the machine with a new firmware 20140503 48.303.1 works.

You can download attached PNG files and rename extension do PDF to view these files.
In the attached file Compare.png you can see the difference when you select the file contents. Invalid file contains additional margin at the top and bottom.
So there is something wrong with the structure of the file created in an earlier version of firmware - 20130510 48.283.4.
I would like to mention that both files can be opened correctly in Adobe Reader.

After upgrading device firmware, machine started to create the correct files.
What is wrong with the file Old firmware.pdf that the Adobe Reader can open it, but Telerik PdfViewer not?

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Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Telerik team
answered on 17 Sep 2014, 09:47 AM
Hello Mateusz,

I would like to note that Adode Reader is a product which can open invalid pdf files as well. RadPdfView on the other hand expects a valid pdf structure in order to render the document correctly (of course, it has some limitations listed in our Unsupported features help article)

We have several issues regarding our RadPdfViewer resulting in displaying blank/incorrect page when there is an image as a background: 
Currently, I am unable to suggest a suitable solution for the old firmware document. We are constantly striving to improve our controls, including the RadPdfViewer as well. Feel free to track the referred issues changes and add your vote to them.

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PdfViewer and PdfViewerNavigator
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Answers by
Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Telerik team
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