I have two tables similar to this
EmployeeID EmployeeName TitleCode
1 Mustafa 1
2 Ahmed 2
3 Mikel 1
4 Suzan 2
Title Code Title
1 Supervisor
2 Manager
EmployeeID EmployeeName TitleCode
1 Mustafa 1
2 Ahmed 2
3 Mikel 1
4 Suzan 2
Title Code Title
1 Supervisor
2 Manager
I'm using radGridView.
what I would like to do is how to display in the grid view with this layout:
EmployeeID EmployeeName Title
1 Mustafa Supervisor
2 Ahmed Manager
3 Mikel Supervisor
4 Suzan Manager
1 Mustafa Supervisor
2 Ahmed Manager
3 Mikel Supervisor
4 Suzan Manager
When I was using VS gridview I as doing :
1- gridview->datasource = employees table
2- then I was selecting the gridview -> rightclick -> edit columns ->then i was chaging the column type propertyo of the required column (in this case the title code )to DataGridViewComboBoxColumn then
Datasource: Titles table
Display Memeber: title column
Value Memeber: titlecolde
DataPropertyName:title code in the employees table.
Any help please??