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Binding to remote XML Data

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Data Source
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Gabe Silvarajoo
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Rank 2
Gabe Silvarajoo asked on 13 Apr 2012, 07:17 PM
Dear Kendo UI Team,

I have been studying the KendoUI Web examples and currently having problems getting data from a remote XML feed. Here's the example that I'm refering to Binding to XML Data and below is my code. I simply replace the source from local to Books.xml on the demo site.

<ul id="books"></ul>
            <script id="template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
                <li class="book">
                    <a href="#= url #">
                        <h3>#= title #</h3>
                    by #= author #
                $(document).ready(function () {
                    function onChage() {
                        $("#books").html(kendo.render(template, this.view()));
                    // create a template using the above definition
                    var template = kendo.template($("#template").html());
                    var dataSource = new{
                        transport: {
                            // specify the XML file to read. The same as read: { url: "books.xml" }
                            read: ""
                        schema: {
                            // specify the the schema is XML
                            type: "xml",
                            // the XML element which represents a single data record
                            data: "/books/book",
                            // define the model - the object which will represent a single data record
                            model: {
                                // configure the fields of the object
                                fields: {
                                    // the "title" field is mapped to the text of the "title" XML element
                                    title: "title/text()",
                                    // the "author" field is mapped to the text of the "author" XML element
                                    author: "author/text()",
                                    // the "url" field is mapped to the text of the "url" XML element
                                    url: "url/text()",
                                    // the "cover" field is mapped to the "id" attribute of the "book" XML element
                                    cover: "@cover"
                        change: onChage

When I load the page, I don't get any data. Also, how can I see errors? Is there some code examples to display errors? Please advice. Thanks.


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answered on 07 Dec 2012, 05:05 PM
Were you able to resolve your issue? we are trying to set an XML Document as datasource for Kendo Tree view control and struck there. Can you help us?
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Gabe Silvarajoo
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Rank 2
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