I have upgraded my kendo application from 2012.2.710 to 2012.3.1114. In the updated dll, when i do ajax binding , the non nullable properties of the model is throwing error but the same was working fine in the '2012.2.710' version. What went wrong in the new version ? please give me a proper solution for this issue. The code to bind the grid is given below.
.ToolBar(commands => commands.Create().HtmlAttributes(new { Title = "Add New Link" }))
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(client => client.lkLinkId).Hidden();
columns.Bound(client => client.lkTitle).Title("Title").Width(200).Sortable(true);
columns.Bound(client => client.lkUrl).Title("Url").Width(500).Sortable(true);
columns.Command(commands =>
commands.Edit().Text(" ").UpdateText(" ").CancelText(" ").HtmlAttributes(new { Title = "Edit" });
commands.Destroy().Text(" ").HtmlAttributes(new { Title = "Delete" }); ;
}).Width(90).HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "k-gridButtonAlignment" });
}).Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.InLine))
.Events(e => e.Edit("OnEdit"))
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Ajax()
.Read(read => read.Action("Show", "Home", new { area = "Link", clientId = Model.ClientId }))
.Model(model => model.Id(c => c.lkLinkId))
.Create("Create", "Home", new { area = "Link", clientId = Model.ClientId })
.Update("Edit", "Home", new { area = "Link", clientId = Model.ClientId })
.Destroy("Destroy", "Home", new { area = "Link", clientId = Model.ClientId })
).Pageable(pager => pager.PageSizes(true)).Sortable()
I have upgraded my kendo application from 2012.2.710 to 2012.3.1114. In the updated dll, when i do ajax binding , the non nullable properties of the model is throwing error but the same was working fine in the '2012.2.710' version. What went wrong in the new version ? please give me a proper solution for this issue. The code to bind the grid is given below.
.ToolBar(commands => commands.Create().HtmlAttributes(new { Title = "Add New Link" }))
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(client => client.lkLinkId).Hidden();
columns.Bound(client => client.lkTitle).Title("Title").Width(200).Sortable(true);
columns.Bound(client => client.lkUrl).Title("Url").Width(500).Sortable(true);
columns.Command(commands =>
commands.Edit().Text(" ").UpdateText(" ").CancelText(" ").HtmlAttributes(new { Title = "Edit" });
commands.Destroy().Text(" ").HtmlAttributes(new { Title = "Delete" }); ;
}).Width(90).HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "k-gridButtonAlignment" });
}).Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.InLine))
.Events(e => e.Edit("OnEdit"))
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Ajax()
.Read(read => read.Action("Show", "Home", new { area = "Link", clientId = Model.ClientId }))
.Model(model => model.Id(c => c.lkLinkId))
.Create("Create", "Home", new { area = "Link", clientId = Model.ClientId })
.Update("Edit", "Home", new { area = "Link", clientId = Model.ClientId })
.Destroy("Destroy", "Home", new { area = "Link", clientId = Model.ClientId })
).Pageable(pager => pager.PageSizes(true)).Sortable()