RadGridView maps its rows to the data source object. At any time you can get a reference for the data bound object of a row by accessing its DataBoundItem property:
object data = this.radGridView1.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem;
The indices of the rows in the grid correspond to the indices of the data bound objects.
If you will be working with a DataTable the data bound item would be a DataRowView and if you have a collection of a custom object its type would be the type of your object. Detailed information about the different options to bind RadGridView are discussed in the following section of our documentation: Populating with Data. Please note that in order to reflect custom changes in your model object class it would need to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. An example is available here: Reflecting Custom Object Changes in RGV.
I am sending you attached a project containing examples for binding to a DataTable and a collection of data objects. Besides the project, I am also sending you a short animation showing the result on my end.
I hope this helps. Should you have further questions please do not hesitate to write back.
Hristo Merdjanov
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