In order to make an example of a real-time changing bullet chart, I hope that it's possible to bind the series data to the value of slider.
Currently I understand chart can use source binding, but I wonder if it's possible to bind one of series data of bullet chart to the value of slider (for example, the current value is bound, and target, category, color are fixed).
Take this for example:
<input data-role="slider" data-bind="value: selectNumber">
<div data-role="chart" data-series="[{ type: 'bullet', currentField: 'current', targetField: 'target', colorField: 'color', target: { color: 'black' } }]" data-bind="source: dsChart"></div>
I hope that I can only bind the current value instead of a whole data source (dsChart) to the value of slider (selectNumber).
Furthermore, I also don't know how to bind the data source (dsChart) to the value of slider (selectNumber).
Can anyone give me a hint or an example?