please excuse me if I post you this but I was wondering what's the best approach for implementing this...
I've got a Grid witch has 3 column that will be editable and will have to show a dropdown while editing... we can call them Country,Profile and Status
I've to prefix that I came from SL world so what I do in that world would be
please excuse me if I post you this but I was wondering what's the best approach for implementing this...
I've got a Grid witch has 3 column that will be editable and will have to show a dropdown while editing... we can call them Country,Profile and Status
I've to prefix that I came from SL world so what I do in that world would be
- call the services GetCountries,GetProfiles and GetStatus
- save those datas in 3 different collection
- at the cell edit open the dropdown loading the corresponding collection as possible values and selecting the selected matching the IdCountry,IdProfile.IdStatus
How can I do this in the MVC world? I think I can't have all done via Mvc without using javascript... or should I create a viewmodel that holds those collections?
If I use "pure" js I would have 3 calls to the service from js, store the values and perform as I've written above
Any suggestion?