I have a detail page with an edit button that will load a modal for editing the content. I have thought of 3 ways to handle this and am looking for the best solution.
The view returns the object and so right now I have:
@Html.TextboxFor(m => m.ContactName, new { @data_bind = "value: contactName"})
In the javascript I have:
var contactViewModel = kendo.observable({
contactName = $('#ContactName').val()
My question is: What is the best way to load a page using MVVM. Or what is the preferred pattern:
1. Just like I have above. am passing the model to the view from the action and using the html wrappers. I then set the values of the viewmodel to the same input (this seems like it could cause recursive issues?)
2. i create hidden form fields for the initial value and then use an init function I would call on page load that loads the elements.
@Html.HiddenFor(m => m.ContactName)
<input data-bind="value: contactNmae" />
var contactViewModel = kendo.observable({
contactName = null,
init = function() {
contactViewModel.set("contactName", $('#ContactName').val();
3. I would just return an empty view and then use an ajax call to load the viewmodel:
<input data-bind="value: contactName" />
var contactViewModel = kendo.observable({
contactName = null,
init = function() {
$.ajax(options).done(function (data) {
if (data.success === true) {
contactViewModel.set("contactName", data.contactName;
I know all 3 of these are valid options. I guess my question is really what is the preferred way or recommended way of loading a page and using the mvvm pattern with the Kendo library?