We have a page that will be passed in a User's Id to it, and it will have one DropDownList reflecting the User's role, while also allowing them to change their role.
We are looking at leveraging the "change" event for a kendoDropDownList. And inside that event, making a $.ajax call.
We know we can work our way to getting this approach to work, but we were wondering if there was a more straight-forward or recommended approach to take.
For example, should or could we define an "update" action inside the dataSource.transport definition for the dropdownlist, that would somehow be triggered?
Another perspective, is that we have lots of Grids that have dataSource.transport.update definitions, and they are processed with a clean controller method that is passed a DataSourceRequest and an instance of a data object that is being updated. Can we do something similar with a DropDownList?