I have a problem with the status of BeginEdit.
My scenario:
When I start my application I fill the ScheduleView-Control with appointments (the Control is part of the startwindow).
In the Main.Loaded eventhandler I define a Eventhandler which is fired when the ScheduleViewControl is loaded.
Private Sub Event_Main_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Me.Loaded
AddHandler Me.radSchedBZP.Loaded, AddressOf Event_radSchedBZP_Loaded
End Sub
Inside the EventHandler Event_radSchedBZP_Loaded I fill the Control with appointments.
The Return-Value of BeginEdit is always "False". What can i do?
Dim app As Telerik.Windows.Controls.ScheduleView.Appointment = Me.radSchedBZP.CreateNew()
Dim bolIsLoaded As Boolean = Me.radSchedBZP.IsLoaded => is true
If Me.radSchedBZP.BeginEdit(app) Then
With app
.Subject = ...
.Body = ...
Thanks in advance.
kindly regards,
I have a problem with the status of BeginEdit.
My scenario:
When I start my application I fill the ScheduleView-Control with appointments (the Control is part of the startwindow).
In the Main.Loaded eventhandler I define a Eventhandler which is fired when the ScheduleViewControl is loaded.
Private Sub Event_Main_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Me.Loaded
AddHandler Me.radSchedBZP.Loaded, AddressOf Event_radSchedBZP_Loaded
End Sub
Inside the EventHandler Event_radSchedBZP_Loaded I fill the Control with appointments.
The Return-Value of BeginEdit is always "False". What can i do?
Dim app As Telerik.Windows.Controls.ScheduleView.Appointment = Me.radSchedBZP.CreateNew()
Dim bolIsLoaded As Boolean = Me.radSchedBZP.IsLoaded => is true
If Me.radSchedBZP.BeginEdit(app) Then
With app
.Subject = ...
.Body = ...
Thanks in advance.
kindly regards,