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BeginEdit on child row of RadGridView with Hierarchy

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Rob asked on 25 May 2011, 06:05 AM
We are using WPF with the MVVM pattern. When a button on the View is clicked on by the user, the command is bound to an item in the ViewModel for handling it. This successfully adds a new line to the bottom of the master grid (if the currently selected line is the last), then adds a child line to the selected row. Finally it calls a Mediator.Instance.NotifyColleagues (Cinch) in order to basically signal an event that is picked up in the View's code behind. I have tried several variations but am unable to get the second column of the first child row to go into edit mode. I did try IsInEditMode = true and BeginEdit().

Of great concern is the following lines where I expect to get all of the RadGridViews contained within the master, as well as all of the rows.
var grids = grid1.ChildrenOfType<RadGridView>();
var rows = grid1.ChildrenOfType<GridViewRow>();

Instead, I get null for grids and only 1 for rows??? I was expecting something like 8 for grids count and 26 for rows count. I am aware that the children have a completely separate RadGridView than the master, however, I am explicitly indicating grid1 (the master RadGridView) in this case.

The code behind message sink is as follows (and using a breakpoint - it clearly gets hit at the expected time too).
        private void Cashbook_ChildStatementLineFocusMessageSink(int currentRowIndex)
            if (grid1.ItemsSource != null)
                    var grids = grid1.ChildrenOfType<RadGridView>();
                    var rows = grid1.ChildrenOfType<GridViewRow>();
                    foreach (var row in rows)
                        if (grid1.SelectedItem == this.grid1.Items[currentRowIndex])
                            var child = row.ChildrenOfType<RadGridView>().FirstOrDefault();
                            child.SelectedItem = child.Items[0];
                            var column = child.Columns[1];
                            var cellToEdit = new GridViewCellInfo(child.SelectedItem, column, child);
                            child.CurrentCellInfo = cellToEdit;
                //RadGridView childGrid = this.grid1.ChildrenOfType<RadGridView>().FirstOrDefault(x => ((DOFinBankStatementTran)x.ParentRow.DataContext).BankStatementTranID == ((DOFinBankStatementTran)this.grid1.CurrentItem).BankStatementTranID);
                //if (childGrid != null)
                //    var item = childGrid.Items[0];
                //    var column = this.grid1.Columns[1];
                //    var cellToEdit = new GridViewCellInfo(item, column, childGrid);
                //    childGrid.CurrentCellInfo = cellToEdit;
                //    childGrid.BeginEdit();

If it helps, the method in the ViewModel looks as follows:
private void ExecuteDissectionCommand()
                DOFinBankStatementTran currentLine = SelectedStatementLine;
                if (currentLine == StatementLinesSource.Last())
                if (currentLine.Children == null)
                    currentLine.Children = new List<DOFinBankStatementTran>();
                    DOFinBankStatementTran line = CurrentClientHelper.ClientFinancial.CreateBankStatementTran(currentLine.GLBankAccount);
                    line.ParentStatementTranID = currentLine.BankStatementTranID;
                    line.GLBankAccountID = currentLine.GLBankAccountID;
                    line.GLBankAccount = currentLine.GLBankAccount;
                    line.HasChildren = false;
                    line.ImageForIsEditable = currentLine.ImageForIsEditable;
                    line.IsActive = true;
                    line.IsDeleted = false;
                    line.IsPosted = false;
                    line.IsReconciled = false;
                    currentLine.HasChildren = true;
                int i = StatementLinesSource.IndexOf(currentLine);
                StatementLinesSource.Insert(i, currentLine);
                Mediator.Instance.NotifyColleagues<int>(MediatorConstants.Cashbook_ChildStatementLineFocus, i);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //check if exception type is global exception and throw
                ExceptionHelper.CheckExceptionType(ex, typeof(GlobalException));
                _messageBoxService.ShowError("DissectionCommand Error:"+ex.Message);
                CurrentClientHelper.ClientAudit.LogException(ex, EventCategory.Client);

And without boring everyone to tears the two RadGridViews in the XAML (one master and one child template for hierarchy) are as follows:

grid1 - the master RadGridView
<telerik:RadGridView x:Name="grid1"  Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" ShowGroupPanel="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
                                     RowIndicatorVisibility="Collapsed" IsReadOnly="False"
                                     CanUserInsertRows="False" EditTriggers="CellClick"
                                     ItemsSource="{Binding StatementLinesSource,Mode=TwoWay}"
                                     SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedStatementLine, Mode=TwoWay}"
                                     aps:SingleEventCommand.CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=grid1, Path=CurrentCell.Column.UniqueName}"
                                     aps:SingleEventCommand.TheCommandToRun="{Binding CellEditEndedCommand}"

gridChildren - the HierarchyChildTemplate RadGridView
<telerik:RadGridView x:Name="gridChildren" CanUserFreezeColumns="False"
                                                 AutoGenerateColumns="False" ItemsSource="{Binding Children}" 
                                                 EditTriggers="CellClick" IsTabStop="True"

Of course, there are lots of event handlers declared in the Constructor and so on but I am not including the entire solution just enough to try and assist anyone with helping to solve this problem. We were trying to keep our code behind to a minimum but I fail to see how I can do things like set the focus of a row in a RadGridView and set a particular cell to be in edit mode from the ViewModel without the ViewModel having some sort of awareness of the View (presentation layer) which it should not. If I have missed something here and am heading down the wrong path then kindly enlighten me. :)


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Nedyalko Nikolov
Telerik team
answered on 28 May 2011, 12:23 PM
Hi Rob,

In order to put specific cell in edit mode - there are two implementations of one and the same approach. The idea is to set RadGridView.CurrentCellInfo property accordingly. This can be done either by setting it directly or just set RadGridView.CurrentColumn and RadGridView.CurrentItem and call radGridView.BeginEdit().

About other questions I need a runnable project, which I can debug on my side to see what's going on.

Nedyalko Nikolov
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