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I am just playing and learning at the moment, so sorry for the most basic of questions.
I have a table that I set as the datasource of the chart, its only one series and the data displays fine, however I want one of my column in the table to show in the legend.
For example my datatable contains the following data in de creasing qty order
'Item' , 'qty'
ABC 42
DEF 33
GHI 28
JKL 12
In my chart, it shows the qty field, and puts in the legend box, the label Qty, and matches the color of the series to a small dot to its left.
However what I want to show is the list of items where the legend is. In the example above the items are just 3 char in length, where as in my actual app the items are long medical drug names, so they can't go below the chart for each bar....
Hope that makes sense ...
I am just playing and learning at the moment, so sorry for the most basic of questions.
I have a table that I set as the datasource of the chart, its only one series and the data displays fine, however I want one of my column in the table to show in the legend.
For example my datatable contains the following data in de creasing qty order
'Item' , 'qty'
ABC 42
DEF 33
GHI 28
JKL 12
In my chart, it shows the qty field, and puts in the legend box, the label Qty, and matches the color of the series to a small dot to its left.
However what I want to show is the list of items where the legend is. In the example above the items are just 3 char in length, where as in my actual app the items are long medical drug names, so they can't go below the chart for each bar....
Hope that makes sense ...