AutoFitColumn Javascript function on grid not working if the display style property is none during page load. Column width is minimum.

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Grid TabStrip
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ConcretePlusGrass asked on 10 Jan 2025, 01:01 PM

I am using autoFitColumn function on a Telerik UI for MVC grid to show the content of all cells as per the below article.

This works if the grid's display is not none. However, there are three tabs on the page, each containing a grid. Only the opened grid has correct column widths. Other grids have minimum column widths. This is unless the user manually opens each tab quickly during data load.

I tried using Telerik's TabStrip at first, but the grid always has minimum column widths when using autoFitColumns, even on the first tab. The goal was to put a Grid inside each tab of the TabStrip. Currently, I am using custom built tabs. 

My current solution to this problem is to set the "hidden" style of each grid to:

position: absolute;
top: -9999px;
left: -9999px;

Is there a better solution?

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