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AutoComplete no value property???

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Joseph asked on 07 Feb 2014, 06:55 PM
So I've been reading, that AutoComplete does not have a value property. Is this true? If so, why not. I was forced to use a multicomplete field and set the MinValue to 1
in order to get the job done. Also, can anyone explain the difference between .Template and .ClientTemplate

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Alexander Popov
Telerik team
answered on 11 Feb 2014, 02:27 PM
Hi Joseph,

The AutoComplete widget has value option as seen in this example, however it is indeed not mentioned in the current version of our documentation - we will update the API reference shortly.
Regarding your second question - the difference between Template and ClientTemplate is where the template is actually rendered. The Template is rendered on the server when server binding is used, meaning that when the page is loaded in the browser the template will already be rendered as HTML code. In contrast, the ClientTemplate is used with Ajax binding and is rendered after the page has loaded and the data is fetched from the server.

As a small sign of our appreciation for bringing the undocumented features to our attention I have updated your Telerik points.

Alexander Popov
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Alexander Popov
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