My problem is that if user is start typing in text box of datetimepicker the control is automatically set year and day to mindate year and day.
But our customer don't want this. he want whatever he type in textbox should be there don't come anythig automatically.
Is that possible ?
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Telerik team
answered on 12 Sep 2012, 11:13 AM
Hi Mukesh,
Thank you for contacting Telerik support.
RadDateTimePicker is a strongly validated control - when the user types the date in, the value of the control is a valid date. This is a desired behavior and cannot be modified.
I would like to suggest using RadMaskedEditBox editor with MaskType = Standard and Mask = "##/##/####", instead of RadDateTimePicker editor. The disadvantage of this scenario is that you should create validation logic for user input (for example 31/06/2012 which is incorrect).