I have an Autocomplete control that is bound to an ObservableCollection of my view search result view models. However, when I update the collection (clear it and add each result) the control only shows the "No Results Found" message.
I'm not using any code behind for this, I have a Behavior that handles the TextChanged event which calls an ICommand on my view model to update the list of results. I've posted the code for my view below, if you need more context I can provide the Behavior or View Model code as well.
<telerikInput:RadAutoCompleteView Grid.Row="0" ItemsSource="{Binding RetailerSearchResults, Mode=TwoWay}">
<sharedBehaviors:TelerikAutoCompleteTextChangedBehavior Command="{Binding RetailerSearchTextChangedCommand}" Timeout="1000" />
<DataTemplate x:DataType="{x:Type viewModels:RetailerListItemViewModel}">
<Label Text="{Binding DisplayName}"></Label>