Hello, I have read through the documentation many times and believe I can accomplish what I want to do. In fact, I have created a Dojo doing exactly what I want:
However, when I attempt to do this in my own software, I cannot even change the method request type from GET to POST.
I am attempting to create a Kendo Window and insert data inside of it from an API endpoint. I need to set custom request headers for my data call in order to make the request. So far, I've tried:
var window = document.createElement('div');
var dialog = $(window).data("kendoWindow");
url: uri_UIManagement + 'Container/GetBuiltContainer' + urlString,
type: 'POST',
headers: headers,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
width: "600px",
title: "About Alvar Aalto",
content: {
url: uri_UIManagement + 'Container/GetBuiltContainer' + urlString,
type: "POST"
visible: false,
actions: [
url: uri_UIManagement + 'Container/GetBuiltContainer' + urlString,
type: 'POST',
headers: headers,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
NONE of these methods allow me to hit the breakpoint I have set inside of beforeSend. They don't even change the request type from GET to POST. I can accomplish all of these things inside of the Kendo Dojo. What am I missing?